Resourcesat Data Quality
Evaluation System
S.S. Palsule, Bankim Shah, G. Paswan,
Anuja Sharma, Anjali Garg, Hetal Pandya, Shailendra S. Srivastava, Sampa
Using AWiFS and MODIS data to
estimate burnt areas: the case of Galicia forest fires during the 2006
summer season
González-Alonso, S. Merino-de-Miguel, J.M. Cuevas Remote Sensing
Laboratory, CIFOR-INIA, Madrid and EUIT Forestal, Universidad Politécnica
de Madrid, Spain, 2007
Mapping Coral Reefs
of Phi Phi Island Using Remote Sensing (LISS 3) and GIS for Integrated Coastal
Zone Management
Ninsawat and Nitin Kumar Tripathi, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand,
Photogrammetric Processing of
Cartosat 1 Stereo Imagery
James Lutes, PCI, Toronto, Canada;
then with GeoEye, Thornton, CO 2006
DEM Generation with
Cartosat-1 Stereo Imagery
Jacobsen, Mattia Crespi, Francesca Fratarcangeli, Francesca Giannone
Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Photogrammetry and
Geoinformation, Germany DITS - Area di Geodesia e Geomatica - Sapienza
Università di Roma, Rome, Italy 2008
Cartosat-1 Scientific Assessment Programme (C-SAP)Technical Report - Test
Area Mausanne and Warsaw
Jacobsen, Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Photogrammetry and
Geoinformation, Germany, 2006